Sunday, March 4, 2012


What does the color of my skin really say about me? Do history books really depict my struggle? So much time has elapsed, but is it still the same story? Made to feel inferior, by another minority? It can't be true. Why let a stereotype depict your opinion of me? Did I let a stereotype hinder how I felt about you? No! I have yet to understand the words that come out of your mouth as you converse to your brother, but why does it matter? It’s the language you choose to speak. So, if today I choose to speak a language other than English, don't dare insult me. Don't judge me based on my visage. You have yet to hear my struggle. Have I uttered one word in response to your snide remarks? No, because for those that know my motto, the best response to a fool is silence! As you continue to stare at me, know that no matter how much you look, the color of my skin will not fade. There is no bleaching cream strong enough to erase my history. So why would I change myself to put you at ease? I would NEVER! No matter how much you think you can predict my next move, you will never know. If you took the same time I took to get to know you, then you would know that my stereotype doesn't define me. Therefore, the next time we cross paths, don't dare insult me based on your misbeliefs. Embrace the fact that I'm opposite of what you once judged me to be. When we meet again, I will not judge you by this misconception. I will do what you failed to. I will give you a chance to show me you. 


  1. DEEP..... so what pushed you to write this ?

  2. Wow! This is SOOO deep, sis! A truly thought provoking post... It's horrible to know that people still engage in this kind of behavior in 2012... However, when you judge an individual based on the color of their skin - ALONE - it is a poor reflection of who you are as a person... and that's sad.

  3. Love this.
