Thursday, March 8, 2012

Heartless Moves: Trust

As sneaky as a chameleon, as treacherous as a thief, and as insecure as a slanderer... when someone shows you who they are the first time, receive it and believe. For those like me that always try to see the good in others, trust in God and believe for He will always reveal what He will, even allow the blind to be able to see. Don't mind those that always refer to scriptures, but practice each deadly sin instead of what they preach. They will try to hinder your success, but they must have forgotten that you are truly blessed. If they had it their way, you would never excel, but evidently, they forgot what we were once taught... do unto others as you want done unto you. Karma shall be their destiny. So, don't dwell on yesterday and don't be saddened by today, for tomorrow will be a brighter day!

***The unveiling of my first piece and collection coming soon...stay tuned!!! :o)***


  1. Amen! Love how you focused on the positives instead of the negatives! Sad but true..there are people out there trying to tear you down. Pray for them. :) Nice post! ..and I agree karma is real!
