Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stand For A Cause!!!

This past Saturday I had a blast! If you follow me on Facebook and Twitter, you know that I was counting down to the 2012 Walk for Lupus. It was a great opportunity to walk for a cause! I was truly grateful to be a part of the event. This was my second year participating in the Lupus Walk. Lupus definitely touches close to home. Last year, I lost an amazing person, my friend Joseph "Jody" Nwosu, to this heart-wrenching disease. He made a positive impact on so many lives and will be missed beyond measure. Jody, may your precious soul continue to rest in perfect peace. We walked for you, and the more than 5 million people known to be affected worldwide. Happy Birthday Jody!!! Miss you.

 This Saturday, April 28th, is the Inaugural and Gala Ceremony of the Jody Jaz Foundation Inc. "A Universal Voice of Hope." This will be a fundraising gala in honor of Jody. All proceeds will go towards raising awareness through education, free services, hope, and therapeutic support for people living with Lupus and their families in the USA and Africa. I'm honored to have the opportunity to share a sneak peek of my Spring/Summer Uniquely Atypical collection at such a charitable event. Stand for a cause. Help us fight for the cure. For tickets, please e-mail me at I look forward to seeing you there! Stay blessed! 

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  1. :) How sweet! Glad you are keeping Jody's spirit alive and being a blessing to others! Its so good to see ppl who walk the walk !!! You are an inspiration! See you at the Gala! Thanks for inviting me! :)

  2. Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words! :)
